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Out of reach 90*60cm aluminium
Five print Limited Edition
2 to 3 weeks delivery
(1500) 900 EUR
The summer of 2018 will always have a special place in my heart. The everlasting heatwave made night-photography very pleasent. And the cataract on my eyes made me see (and not see) the world in a different light and form.
This night the temperature was around 30 degrees celsius at 1 AM after reaching 34 d c in middle of day. A quadriplegic can easily be overheated and die in such warmth so I left the apartment with my camera and a Tamron 24-70 lense to study the nightlife of Gothenburg. In Linnestaden I encountered this view. No chanse of climbing stairs with my wheelchair but the light was magic!
This artwork is signed and I handle each order in person to guarantee top quality. You can be one off five owners.
I will use 10% of the income to support organizations that work for our planet and its inhabitants survival. Your contribution is crucial and you will receive proof of your generosity.
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