To represent my passion for life and desire for a brighter future and remind myself and my visitors that winter wont last forever I'm offering this unique piece of art, a five reprint limited signed and numbered series of photographies artistically transformed into an oil painting printed on premium art paper with an acrylic protective overlay that I hope will brighten the home and the heart of the owner.
To celebrate the new decennium and give more people a fair chance of owning a valuable piece of art I've decided to sell lottery tickets and let lady luck decide who will be the happy winner of my latest artwork. Each ticket cost €10 (ten euros) and each participant can purchace a maximum of 10 (ten) tickets.
The lottery event will be recorded to guarantee it's authentity and the winner (should the person not prefer to remain anonymous) will be presented on this page holding the painting and sharing his/her feelings of owning my latest original piece of art!
The number of purchased tickets will affect the value of the artwork and the lucky winner will receive a certificate showing exactely how much it's worth. Help spreading the news to raise the value and in doing so helping me with some urgent health issues that I must attend to.
I will use the income to seek specialist help with my personal health problems and to finance new photographic projects involving some long over due travelling to see more of this beautiful planet and capture my findings to share with you. Hopefully my body agrees with these plans too.
As usual I will use 10% of the income to support charity organizations that fight for the survival of the planet and all its inhabitants well-being. Greta is doing a remarkable job and has done more in a year to awaken the world than has been achieved in the last 30 years and I share the same believes and concerns as she does and I hope my small contribution with your help and support will make a difference for us all.
Ta chansen att vinna unika konstverk
Mitt bidrag till Sony's AlphaMovementSE tävling visar vad man kan göra med rätt verktyg och lite fantasi. Bilden är redigerad i Lightroom och Photoshop
Denna webbplats visas bäst i helskärm på stor skärm!
Assistent sökes Läs mer
För de som söker bildkonst rekommenderas Limited Edition verken. De produceras i begränsat antal och signeras och numreras individuellt och säljs till ett högre pris. Gå med i VIP-klubben på nyhetslistan för att vara bland de första att veta om senaste uppdateringar och generösa rabattkoder genom att ange din e-postadress och prenumerera längst ner på denna sida.
Jag lägger lika mycket energi och stolthet i de flesta objekt som delas i gallerierna. Vissa är till salu och andra endast för ögon-njutning. Och om du vill lyssna på samma musik som inspirerade mig att skapa den här webbplatsen och dess innehåll, prova några av Spotify-länkarna under 'Nytt' när du kikar på bildspelen. Jag har vuxit upp med rockmusik och hårdrock som favoritdrivmedel så du vet vad du kan förvänta dig :)
Vi accepterar nu även betalning via Bitcoin
Skicka ett meddelande där ni beskriver vilka varor Ni önskar beställa samt adressuppgifter för att erhålla betalnings-instruktioner.
Mr Murphy did his very best to sabotauge my trip to Hornborgasjön but I just couldn't let him win when the where some 27.300 dancing cranes waiting for my arrival!
Mr Murphy did his very best to sabotauge my trip to Hornborgasjön but I just couldn't let him win when the where some 27.300 dancing cranes waiting for my arrival!
In center of Gothenburg you find this beautiful cityscape at a place called lejontrappan/lions stairs. With cloud formation like these it looks spectacular after a few hours of editing. The rainbow colored stairs in bottom left with people sitting on it was desaturated to harmonize with my artistic desire of the overall look.
And at night you can turn on the remote controled led-lighting for very photorealistic moonshine coming from top right corner reflecting from the left building. You can have it shining any light you desire or fading in and out of every color automatically. Turn it to the redest blood moon if you please. Four extra batteries included, two for each led-light.
These artworks are numbered and signed on back and I handle each order in person to guarantee top quality. You can be one off five owners. Below are photographs of the Item on my studio-wall.
I will use 10% of the income to support organizations that work for our planet and its inhabitants survival. Your contribution is crucial and you will receive proof of your generosity.
Här har jag just rakat av det stora yviga skägget som varit med mig under två dystra pandemoniska år och porträttbilden från balkongen behövde lite redigering för att lyfta.